- 0 weights
- abstract class
- active function
- adam
- Adapter
- affine
- argmax
- back propagation
- binary classification
- blog
- Bucket list
- C++
- Casting
- cee
- checkButton
- cnn
- col2im
- columnspan
- comboBox
- concrete class
- convolution
- cost function
- data preprocessing
- data set
- deep learning
- Design Pattern
- django
- dnn
- Don't Repeat Your code
- drop out
- ensemble
- epoch
- favicon
- fcn
- frame
- gradient descent
- gru
- he
- identify function
- im2col
- initialization
- Lab
- learning rate
- LifeLog
- linear regression
- logistic function
- logistic regression
- logit
- lstm
- machine learning
- matplotlib
- menu
- message box
- mnist
- mse
- multinomial classification
- mutli layer neural network
- Non Virtual Interface
- normalization
- Note
- numpy
- one-hot encoding
- OOP Principles
- Open Close Principle
- optimization
- overfitting
- padding
- partial derivative
- pooling
- Prototype
- pure virtual function
- queue runner
- radioButton
- regularization
- relu
- reshape
- restricted boltzmann machine
- rnn
- scrolledText
- sigmoid
- sigmoid function
- single layer neural network
- softmax
- softmax classification
- softmax cross entropy with logits
- softmax function
- softmax regression
- softmax-with-loss
- spinBox
- standardization
- sticky
- stride
- tab
- Template Method
- TensorFlow
- testing data
- this
- tkinter
- tooltip
- Toplevel
- training data
- vanishing gradient
- Virtual Copy Constructor
- Virtual Destructor
- Virtual Function
- weight decay
- xavier
- xor
LATEST ARTICLES$type=blogging$page=1$count=14
- 0 weights
- abstract class
- active function
- adam
- Adapter
- affine
- argmax
- back propagation
- binary classification
- blog
- Bucket list
- C++
- Casting
- cee
- checkButton
- cnn
- col2im
- columnspan
- comboBox
- concrete class
- convolution
- cost function
- data preprocessing
- data set
- deep learning
- Design Pattern
- django
- dnn
- Don't Repeat Your code
- drop out
- ensemble
- epoch
- favicon
- fcn
- frame
- gradient descent
- gru
- he
- identify function
- im2col
- initialization
- Lab
- learning rate
- LifeLog
- linear regression
- logistic function
- logistic regression
- logit
- lstm
- machine learning
- matplotlib
- menu
- message box
- mnist
- mse
- multinomial classification
- mutli layer neural network
- Non Virtual Interface
- normalization
- Note
- numpy
- one-hot encoding
- OOP Principles
- Open Close Principle
- optimization
- overfitting
- padding
- partial derivative
- pooling
- Prototype
- pure virtual function
- queue runner
- radioButton
- regularization
- relu
- reshape
- restricted boltzmann machine
- rnn
- scrolledText
- sigmoid
- sigmoid function
- single layer neural network
- softmax
- softmax classification
- softmax cross entropy with logits
- softmax function
- softmax regression
- softmax-with-loss
- spinBox
- standardization
- sticky
- stride
- tab
- Template Method
- TensorFlow
- testing data
- this
- tkinter
- tooltip
- Toplevel
- training data
- vanishing gradient
- Virtual Copy Constructor
- Virtual Destructor
- Virtual Function
- weight decay
- xavier
- xor
Archive Pages Design$type=blogging$count=7
deep learning
machine learning
cost function
linear regression
gradient descent
active function
binary classification
logistic regression
multinomial classification
one-hot encoding
softmax classification
- 0 weights
- abstract class
- active function
- adam
- Adapter
- affine
- argmax
- back propagation
- binary classification
- blog
- Bucket list
- C++
- Casting
- cee
- checkButton
- cnn
- col2im
- columnspan
- comboBox
- concrete class
- convolution
- cost function
- data preprocessing
- data set
- deep learning
- Design Pattern
- django
- dnn
- Don't Repeat Your code
- drop out
- ensemble
- epoch
- favicon
- fcn
- frame
- gradient descent
- gru
- he
- identify function
- im2col
- initialization
- Lab
- learning rate
- LifeLog
- linear regression
- logistic function
- logistic regression
- logit
- lstm
- machine learning
- matplotlib
- menu
- message box
- mnist
- mse
- multinomial classification
- mutli layer neural network
- Non Virtual Interface
- normalization
- Note
- numpy
- one-hot encoding
- OOP Principles
- Open Close Principle
- optimization
- overfitting
- padding
- partial derivative
- pooling
- Prototype
- pure virtual function
- queue runner
- radioButton
- regularization
- relu
- reshape
- restricted boltzmann machine
- rnn
- scrolledText
- sigmoid
- sigmoid function
- single layer neural network
- softmax
- softmax classification
- softmax cross entropy with logits
- softmax function
- softmax regression
- softmax-with-loss
- spinBox
- standardization
- sticky
- stride
- tab
- Template Method
- TensorFlow
- testing data
- this
- tkinter
- tooltip
- Toplevel
- training data
- vanishing gradient
- Virtual Copy Constructor
- Virtual Destructor
- Virtual Function
- weight decay
- xavier
- xor
- 0 weights
- abstract class
- active function
- adam
- Adapter
- affine
- argmax
- back propagation
- binary classification
- blog
- Bucket list
- C++
- Casting
- cee
- checkButton
- cnn
- col2im
- columnspan
- comboBox
- concrete class
- convolution
- cost function
- data preprocessing
- data set
- deep learning
- Design Pattern
- django
- dnn
- Don't Repeat Your code
- drop out
- ensemble
- epoch
- favicon
- fcn
- frame
- gradient descent
- gru
- he
- identify function
- im2col
- initialization
- Lab
- learning rate
- LifeLog
- linear regression
- logistic function
- logistic regression
- logit
- lstm
- machine learning
- matplotlib
- menu
- message box
- mnist
- mse
- multinomial classification
- mutli layer neural network
- Non Virtual Interface
- normalization
- Note
- numpy
- one-hot encoding
- OOP Principles
- Open Close Principle
- optimization
- overfitting
- padding
- partial derivative
- pooling
- Prototype
- pure virtual function
- queue runner
- radioButton
- regularization
- relu
- reshape
- restricted boltzmann machine
- rnn
- scrolledText
- sigmoid
- sigmoid function
- single layer neural network
- softmax
- softmax classification
- softmax cross entropy with logits
- softmax function
- softmax regression
- softmax-with-loss
- spinBox
- standardization
- sticky
- stride
- tab
- Template Method
- TensorFlow
- testing data
- this
- tkinter
- tooltip
- Toplevel
- training data
- vanishing gradient
- Virtual Copy Constructor
- Virtual Destructor
- Virtual Function
- weight decay
- xavier
- xor
- 0 weights
- abstract class
- active function
- adam
- Adapter
- affine
- argmax
- back propagation
- binary classification
- blog
- Bucket list
- C++
- Casting
- cee
- checkButton
- cnn
- col2im
- columnspan
- comboBox
- concrete class
- convolution
- cost function
- data preprocessing
- data set
- deep learning
- Design Pattern
- django
- dnn
- Don't Repeat Your code
- drop out
- ensemble
- epoch
- favicon
- fcn
- frame
- gradient descent
- gru
- he
- identify function
- im2col
- initialization
- Lab
- learning rate
- LifeLog
- linear regression
- logistic function
- logistic regression
- logit
- lstm
- machine learning
- matplotlib
- menu
- message box
- mnist
- mse
- multinomial classification
- mutli layer neural network
- Non Virtual Interface
- normalization
- Note
- numpy
- one-hot encoding
- OOP Principles
- Open Close Principle
- optimization
- overfitting
- padding
- partial derivative
- pooling
- Prototype
- pure virtual function
- queue runner
- radioButton
- regularization
- relu
- reshape
- restricted boltzmann machine
- rnn
- scrolledText
- sigmoid
- sigmoid function
- single layer neural network
- softmax
- softmax classification
- softmax cross entropy with logits
- softmax function
- softmax regression
- softmax-with-loss
- spinBox
- standardization
- sticky
- stride
- tab
- Template Method
- TensorFlow
- testing data
- this
- tkinter
- tooltip
- Toplevel
- training data
- vanishing gradient
- Virtual Copy Constructor
- Virtual Destructor
- Virtual Function
- weight decay
- xavier
- xor